In our prior post we were talking about the ES and that the 950 area would be a sell as that would potentially be the end of the 5th wave up. Since then the ES broke out hit the 950 area then dove 65.00 points to make a low at 885.00.
Notice how on the 30 min chart we had blue bars right at the low of 885.00 this gives us a high odds turning point in realtime so we known not to short after the blue bar prints. Notice how after the blue bars we had a upmove then turned back down to take out the lows. Since there were blue bars on that low we are not thinking the low will be taken out and actually want to look to take the next long signal on the smaller time frame.
The blue bars tell us when a big move is going to start and end in real time. Along with the levels we use to confirm our market outlook. If you have any questions or would like to see other charts please let us know. You can email us anytimne at trade@eminischool.com