We do not normally show even the DOM with any profit and loss because we are not the type to sell the dream of trading meaning; just because i made 1k today does not mean you are going to does it? No, everyone can trade a little different and maybe I swing trade and you only day trade. We teach how you can trade with confidence and you make money NOT showing you that we can.
Today is different I wanted to show something as a job well done to on of our traders. Ang is a trade that has been trading for 30 years which is longer than me. He knows the patterns but needed help in seeing how the complete and then form into the new pattern. Also he has learned how to look at the opposite of the pattern to make sure the pattern is still true of false. It is not just learning what to do it is also learning what not to do and this is the dual thinking process we teach.
On 1/18 we did a nightly video saying that the NQ hit a very important top and that the 810 TF level was hit to NOT go long on 1/19. The result of 1/19 was a 30 point sell off in the TF. Ang, shorted the 809 level after hours this is aggressive but he knew the risk of going into the trade with stops above the next higher level. It might seem crazy to short up there and for the normal person it is too high risk but we are taking the market that is risky and making it make sense in a way we can calculate it every time.
The Result:
He turned a 36k account into a 77k account in 1 day! This is not a SIM this is a live account. It is not eMiniSchool account it is his personal account.
What if you had confidence?
Happy Trading,