Attention Forex Trader!
Although our site name is www.eMiniSchool.com are methods and tools works on anything that is chartable meaning; Stocks, Futures, Commodities, Forex and Bonds. We teach overall market approach then give you the tools to pinpoint the entry with the least amount of risk. What we teach is more than just a "magical indicator". Most indicators are worthless if you are trying to buy and sell off of a standard MACD or RSI---Forget it ---it doesn't work. Have you ever head of someone making money using a 12,26,9 MACD? NO! Because it will still give you trades that are counter trend. It is you knowing it is counter trend then you trade accordingly to the counter trend trade rules meaning; should you trade the same amount of shares or contract per trade? NO! if you take a coutner trend trade you must know it is counter trend and use less contracts and be more agressive with your stop!
Here is a 30 chart of the EUR/ JPY and you can see the blue bars at the left of the chart caught the start to that big move up then we had a ABC standard correction then it fired off a short signal but that was a counter trend short so we would trade less money on that short. From there we fall into the Kill Zone and we get a nice long signal with small risk then within the larger buy signal we get a minor buy signal where you can add to the winning trade YES add to the winning trade (this is key). From there we extned up once again for wave 2 then we get a minor re trace then we get yet another long signal in our 1-2-3 trading method.
From the first long signal at 121.60 we extend up to the 125.00 level! But lets not just look at how much money you could have made on this trade (that is old news) what i want you to look at is the risk on the trades. And ask yourself if you have these indicators and learned our proven methods "would you go AGAINST these signals?" That is the key.
When we first build all of this is was to tell us what NOT to do first. If you can learn what not to do first then learning what TO DO comes much easier and you will learn what TO DO much faster.
If you would like to see a specific chart email us at trade@eminischool.com or email us and set up a appointment to learn more about what we do and how we approach the markets.
Happy Trading,
We will post more Forex charts tomorrow!
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